Collaboration e innovation to meet customers needs
In the absorbent materials market, Magic wants to stand out for its skill to anticipate and meet the evolving needs of its customers. Through a collaborative approach and a costant commitment to innovation, we aim to be a strategic partner for companies in the food packaging, medical, and personal care industries, to ensure solutions that meet specific needs.
Rotary supports the forgotten victims of Beirut port
Magic joined an initiative of MAMRE Onlus and a group of Italian and foreign Rotary Clubs: an important aid action for the medical clinic of the Lebanese association Mother and Childhood Aid, damaged by the August 2020 explosion.
Women, Work, and Solidarity: Mara Galli and API Donna at the Rotary Club Valsesia Event
Mara Galli talks about the union between profession and family in a single recipe: a path of success and hope.
Reducing the tax wedge: government action is needed
Mauro Giani, CEO of Magic, calls for concrete government action to reduce the tax wedge and allow for a net increase in workers' salaries.
Airlaid Nonwovens Report: Magic among the main players for production lines investments
The November issue of Nowovens Industry deals with global airlaid market. Only three companies invested in technology and machinery: among them Magic, with Airgel g-grade and g-pad.
Magic’s history summed up with 3 words on its 35th anniversary
March 19th 2022: Magic is 35 years old today.
Eco-sustainability and focus on people: the direction taken by Magic told by CEO Mauro Giani
In a video interview on Direzioni Magazine Mauro Giani talks about the milestones of the company’s history and the future challenges Magic is preparing to face.
Index20 closes with a clear message of positivity for the future
After four years, over 500 exhibitors and almost 10,000 visitors had the opportunity to meet again in Geneva for the reference exhibition for the nonwoven industry
Magic at Index20: the pleasure of meeting again in presence
From 19th to 22nd October Magic will be present at Index20 in Geneva, the world’s leading nonwoven exhibition. Highlights on Airgel, the new biodegradable high absorption airlaid.
News about us in Nonwovens Industry
An article dealing with Campen Machinery and Magic collaboration: good things come out of good cooperations.