Three are the “Rs” in the word Sustainability

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Three are the “Rs” in the word Sustainability

And this is not a typo, there are even more: revalue, recontextualise, restructure, relocate, redistribute…

The three words that guide Magic’s sustainable vision today are:

– reduce
– reuse
– recycle

These are living practices by which we are driven at every stage of production.

During our last company meeting, we shared significant results: a 17% improvement in energy efficiency and a 12% reduction in gas consumption.

The focus was also on reducing and reusing production waste.
We are facing challenges such as recycling hard-to-recycle composite materials, and working to develop solutions that meet environmental regulations and customers’ needs.

In addition, we are developing new products, free of thermoplastic fibres, and pursuing certifications attesting the sustainability and innovativeness of our products.

So many progresses that enable us to use resources in a more lasting and sustainable way for an ever greener future.


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